The Global Ministries Committee of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in the Northern Lights Region and the Pacific Northwest Conference of the United Church of Christ is offering these resources to our churches as a tangible way of living into our partnership with Justapaz and CEDECOL (the Peace Commission of the Evangelical Council of Colombia). Please use them in any way you can, so that congregations may learn more about our neighbors and friends in Colombia, and offer support to the work of our mission co-workers, Xiomara Citron Garcia and Alex Maldonado Lizardi, in Colombia.
Rick Russell, Co-Chair, along with Mary Olney-Loyd,
Global Ministries Committee

Promise & Prayer – 
As an assembly and a region, we voted to be part of a Colombia Partnership, and we covenanted to support each other’s ministries and keep one another in prayer.  Please continue to pray for Alex, Xiomara, and their passion and ministry for peace and justice.

We are living into our partnership Click through the tabs below for a variety of ways we can be involved. Feel free to adapt and use in congregational worship or study, or in personal use.

Available resources for congregations and individuals: